The diversity of my tasks and roles developed while I was still at school. Back then, the focus was on learning on land and training in the water at the same time - until 1984, when I was able to pass my high-school exams and the Olympics just a few weeks apart. Since then, new challenges and opportunities have arisen time and time again - in recent years increasingly due to the digital transformation.
Over ten years ago, I asked myself how digitalization would change my life and career. The answer was simple: collaboration and communication in our everyday lives will undergo revolutionary development as part of the digital transformation, now increasingly through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). I use these new skills as a consultant for companies, trainer in seminars or speaker in a keynote speech.
The results of my work in theory and practice are not only brought together in specialist books, such as as the editor of “KI-Revolution der Arbeitswelt”. As an honorary professor at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main on organization and leadership in the digital age, I process current scientific research and review new methods that are changing, for example through the use of artificial intelligence (AI).
The digital transformation and the use of AI brings me full circle to my experiences in my sporting career: standing still means going backwards. Digitalization always offers something new, almost every day. At the same time, the exchange of experiences in digital transformation is exciting for me, whether as an entrepreneur and lecturer or as a trainer and speaker. Only one thing is certain for me: life never gets boring!
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